***We are not trying to build any wedge. Help People. So, it was inspiring to see that same spirit on the Primerica people. Everyone can see that Tom is like that snake oil salesperson and provides us with a very nice dog and pony show. (The one that ran with his tail between his legs.) Why is it PFS is supposedly just staying at 100,000 agents all these years? The going price as reported by reuters news is only 7 billion! You can have more control of how you wish to run your business and your life. And if people are happy with what happened to them, they are bound to recommend these services to their friends. While the announced settlement is unprecedented in its scope and terms, investors should be aware that the devil is in the details. The ultimate settlement document needs to be carefully reviewed to determine any limitations or restrictions put on Citigroups obligations. You cant cover all your possible problems. Most agents do not go looking on these boards and are trained to ignore the post here. Im learning some things from you. to make something of yourself in the same field. 3)A big attraction to Primerica for clients and reps is that it gives it clients and reps access to high yielding emergency fund accounts and investment grade vehicles for as little as $25/month making it theoretically possible for anyone to invest regardless of their economic situation. Did you know that, I have guaranteed insurability with Primerica. And people are willing to pay for it. There is a chart done by the government talking about 100 people at 65. There is a difference between LTD from an employer and an individual policy. You admitted you sell products that are not good for your clients. At this level, it is quite clear; the focus is the organization and the associated priority, life, and value. and most primerica agents dont understand the hidden clauses in their IBA nor do they see the fine print on the opp meeting presentations; Susie. Or how about the house you sold 2 years ago? Unless he has a third arm or something like that, it sounds to me like you have no one but yourself to thank for your income. . Yes we know. Our competitor Smith Barney of course, a wirehouse, is reputable and where they send clients for investment advise and financial planning. 9. Remember I am in business for myself I get who I get to represent. . Present the solution. Another place in the business, your shareholders pockets, or maybe your money since you are the owner. Having some one else pay for the E and O for a starting business is great. Well you must think that it is needed for all estates. But please stay on point. This is something that every competent adviser has said to stay away from, but James said it is a great thing. I can make money this way without EVER recruiting ANYONE. Is this how you treat your clients? You say your just a client, then you say you went through PFS training, which is it? How is it team driven to take away income from someone? One day they will come across another person who is also working part-time but as an independent agent. Or do you think the Companies give money free to agents? > I ask because, though I am educated (two B.A.s and an M.A. Look what it si doing now, it has to borrow billions to stay in business. You really need to study economics and see what is truly going on. I dont mind that the person who trained me gets a piece of my action, because I will get a piece of the action from those I sign on and they off of their folks.Where I am(my full time job), we have a few fat cats making the lions share of the money off of our backs. That is not good. Guaranteed Could it be you are just like the Insurance salesmen that got caught by 20/20 years ago. You tend to bring up issues in your own mind and say others are in that thought process. Next, of course we have an array of services that can help you accomplish that and that is where the commission comes in. You must not know anything about the insurance business. If you give people an outstanding product, excellent customer service, and the product that meets their needs not by you own omission wanting to win, myself as a contractor I would not want to be captive I would want to sell Lennox, Trane, Bryant, Rheem, Carrier, American Standard, etc. WebUnder quantitative variables, we also have specific categories such as ratio and interval variables. I am setting my clients to have to buy cash value which will decrease their estate since they cost more. 4. Again with his opinions. Apparently I was wrong. I wish I had the time to go through the numbers right now, but you all can check it for yourself. From my past understanding the reps dont get renewals from that business. Number 1: I am a college student @ FIU (Business/Finance Major.) -. This is coming from that suicide that was directly caused by the mother of the ex friend. -, 6) Tom said, Please give me some facts. Sorry diversification is a text book wrong answer. This is basic business teaching. Thanks for contributing so much info about it it sounds like it is working well for you and you brought up a few things I didnt know. Primerica would never do that. return of Premium Insurance is the way the insurance companies mke more money off their clients. As for the sales, Yes it is a sale when you get someone involved. The amounts depend from 50K-100K. My question is what have you compared what you have found with? Page Perry, LLC is an Atlanta-based law firm with over 125 years collective experience representing investors in securities-related litigation and arbitration. Ok you can renew with out an exam up until what age? Alternatively, Tom himself has admitted that he does not even use his real name. If you can help a potential client great, but do the presentation and get referrals. You seem to think you know that price is the most important thing. What happened? They got caught stealing and lying and cheating their clients. Once some time has gone by, they take a looksee whos still work past the point of their warm market and those that arentare fired. MILCO was a subsidiary of PennCorp Financial, and Penncorp in turn became a subsidiary of the American Can Company in 1983. My Agent came over when I needed help on my 401k. you decide. Since this is the second or third time I brought it up, it must be since you are ignoring it. Maybe you need to go visit your local office on a client overveiw night. )They do not have up to 7 years of the annual premiums as fees. Did you know that most companies spend billions on marketing? Training on what is out there. It is clear since you talk a lot about commissions and 2 year clauses, your a product salesman that wants to sell a CHEAP product and make as HIGH as you can of a commission and not care what happens to the clients future as long as yours is taking care of. Now If you have read my posts, you should know that I am a CLIENT. non-captive and I offer my clients a choice. It si sold to your client by a cash value company that will call and harass their client to convert. Do you commit any other moral crimes? I am truly an independent, non-captive agent. I feel that_______. He never admitted he made any. I am curious what you have to say about this? Since it is not worth their time, and I know it is not, why bug them. A brand new person starts at 25% . Almost everyone in PFS knows that if you make $100K no one knows who you are. NOw I have explained to Michael about the YUGO and BMW, Please read it so you can understand where I am going. clients received their letters of transfer and that not-so-smart thing is Read the article. I know that what I am doing is the correct way of doing things and therefore I must only answer for myself. Also, as others have said, you can educate yourself at a very low price or for free if you find the right sources. So which is better for the client? Did you hear how they were spending the bail out money, on bonuses and parties for their management. Given the information any PFS agent who looks at it with a clear mind can make a decsion thats in their best interest. Pay more and if the policy is still, the company has not changed the rules, and you have paid and not broken any of the hundreds of rules in there, we will give you your premiums back. 1.Life Health and Disability License I want to expose all those other criminals selling whole life and keeping peoples money instead of to them like it should be. Well isnt that kind of like selling on price?. Let us look at the insurance companies as a whole. Now if you cant understand that, then you will always be chasing the best price. Now as far as the site prices im sure you know nothing is in stone until the client goes through underwriting and the policy is issued. . I just wonder if your advice is limited in scope. , As, far as an agent putting a piece of paper on the top of the policy saying you can not cancel, I believe the state DOI would have an issue with and if you have proof of an agent doing that I would turn them in.You said, Sneaky things agents will do to cheat, lie and steal from their clients.. If it was good enough for you to get started (Im not trying to slander you, even youll admit youd work under a different system betterand proved it) why wouldnt it be good enough for someone else? Or you ahve a magic wand that makes them all better. IF you think it is perfectly logical to charge for something in a policy, and then charge someone for using what they already paid for, you definitely need to hide the hoods and masks from your clients. Ive made some money; far more than what ive put in Havent quite covered the time ive put in but im going to do 3 life sales in a couple of days so in addition to a couple of other things in the works that will probable get me close to compensating my time. If you work you get paid. She knew I did not own a home or have debt, but targeted the recuiting issue of people I knew and attending meetings and joining her team. It was not the bank, they put you in the passbook saving accounts, getting 1 percent rate of return. Last but for sure not least, critic me on some of my God comments, if you know of Him. . I ahve already proved this in several areas, I love to see your termination notice. Tom, you twist facts and have the ability to not understand. But let us look on a different insurance, how often do people use their car insurance for that little fender damage. It sounds more and more like the people who post about Primerica on Rip-Off reports. I guess thye have the understanding of value. Like I said clients can go anywhere they want to go. That means the dollar amount is going to be lower. Not many. Unfortunately, this leaves room for bad training, bad attitudes and sometimes ethical challenges which every business/industry has. Its not so much the contract. . I am a huge believer in recruiting .. . Confidential information developed by you or other Primerica agents is considered owned by Primerica because it results from your or their activities as Primerica agents for which you and they are being compensated. From what I understand I guess not. THE MINUTE I SAY, oh yeah and you have the opportunity to be ME and own your own shop, let me show you how to get it done.then its a scamlol. To your family, yourself, your friends, or to your upline and company? If you think being the cheapest, think of it this way, do you want the best or the cheapest tool to keep you alive? Term is cheapest in the beginning, as you get older it and have quote run it will be more expensive. Like it or not thats how the policy works. When I first was being recruited by Primerica, I was led to believe that I was an owner of my own business. They do offer to help you to get your Life license for free, but taking into consideration the low commissions, captive products, and recruiting pressure, isnt it better to get your own license, E & O insurance, and be responsible for yourself. Its TermNow policy comes with a $300,000 maximum death benefit Well Fixed annuities are not good unless you need the money now. Also why is it ok for Primerica to consider saving people money on their Home/Auto, but not on Life. But there is more than this one.. The office I committed to went to the CONVENTIONS every year (it was ENCOURAGED not REQUIRED) but they went to find out the latest updates on products and how these would benefit present and future clients. This is the same thing they said when Metlife bought the Insurance business. I definitely get negative when they start attacking me. True its possible to start your own independent office and make more money than starting with primerica and working your way up. I am sorry I am not talking to your level. Of course the addage goes: you get what you pay for but is that the case in this debate? Suze Orman, and many others. Tom you are the one masterfully avoiding the real issues. February 27, 2023 | 11:39 AM. If you really believed that properly protecting your family with life insurance was in your familys best interest, then Im sure that youd want to do it right away, vs. waiting until you get a license. I feel bad for those who choose to just let the ship go down rather than explore the opportunity to make some extra part time money, but I certainly dont feel bad for too long. -. 7 Reasons You Should Review Your Life Insurance Policy, My New Favorite Money-Saving Strategy That You Aren't Using. We hire people that most people wont. We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. Attend a business orientation to see if you like the environment. Then you lose licenses, money and possibly freedom. This is a fact. Also after speaking to a few rep, none can give me a straight answer on how they make the money. The client then gets a letter saying you need to pay usually 100 to 500% more for the same insurance or lose it. I refuse to be politically correct. The agents themselves could be very good at what they do but they get paid on what i would call a laddering effect. I am going to approach it as an opportunity to educate people first and then as an opportunity to sell something that will meet their financial needs. Which brings us to ROP. They have had this mission for the last 30+ years. It gives you backing that most companies do not give you. If the policy owner dies, the insurance company does not pay the cash value out. contractors with PFS agents are not employees and You are told you are a bussines owener. -. Its a we can come into a home and leave a person better off than before we came type of program. Could it be that you the agent screwed up. You say Primerica is great, but you wouldnt want to do business with a part-time person without an office. If they leave Primerica, they do not have the money needed for the start up. But the company here doesnt play if you do anything wrong for a person or anything wrong thats illegal you get terminated. So, Im a liar and cant be trusted because I respond to the THREAD (not him), based upon his statements. Just like a person with High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes are not likely to get insurance, no one would take on the risk of having him as an agent. Either in a lesser product or they are planning to make money somewhere else. Want a job in this industry? They got involved in Term companies. Second, like it or not, the opportunity to make more money to bridge the income There must be some of these things on the internet. . Insurance companies look at large numbers. WebFor PLIC Insurance policies, send written requests to: Primerica Life. How do they have this arsenal of ridicule? My costs are 149 for the license from the state DOI, 250 for the L & H class, 250 for E & O insurance and 100 for the state test. its the same way with your trainer taking you out on appointments your trainer has the knowledge. AS for the layoffs, the People in Primerica are not employees they will not be layed off. feels. I am no more your brother than those idiots sending out emails saying they are Christian Mortgage Brokers. That is why I wrote this post I was and am happy to see all of the comments from both sides of the Primerica spectrum, so hopefully people can get a better understanding of what Primerica does and doesnt do. When you die you do not get it. Just like the real estate market is a buyers market, employment is a buyers market. Side note: Tom made a nasty comment about the CPA I wrote about that couldnt join PFS. ANd this is different than any other business? Primerica targets middle-income families and specializes in providing term life insurance. In order to help my wife fast-track I became one of her first two hires but at the time I still wasnt overly enthused about the opportunity. Now Question for Michael, Why is not giving all the money for the Terminal Ill, not a good deal? Again this is coming from a guy who had to leave Arizona and open a business. Either way they are not good companies. How do you know my companies? Based in the Atlanta metro area, Primerica was founded in 1977 with the philosophy of buy term and invest the difference. The company started with a team of seven founders and 85 sales representatives, operating under the original name of A.L. Did you know you can get continuing education from people trying to get you to sell their products. how much money are the teachers making for sharing their knowledge with you? Some think there is a good reason to get max amounts of term.. Now I didnt say everyone, I said some people. Im very happy that you were able to find your niche. They get into trouble. OUCH! _____________________. Not including homes, I do what I do now because I like it, not because I have to. Thats what I learned in both Pre-licensing classes I took (one in 94 and one this past weekend). Its a contract. Unless you work undersomeone then you are really not independent. They say they have an opportunity to make money. The PFS system is designed for massive recruiting. Not for me. Im not Naive or closed minded. You can use the ROP as an investment tool while protecting the family. Two were specific diseases, which was a waste since they did not cover his death. I have no problem with spending $99.00 to get some very expensive licensing. Bill It has become aware that you have swallowed the Insuracne companies party line. I mean who underwrites the policies Michael? Now if everyone was broke in your baseshop then it has to be your responsibility. They can do all the work (and you know as well as I do getting a warm referral is most the work so dont tell me because you did a flip chart presentation you did most the work) and they only get 25% .. the RVP get 95% . to address some of the negatives that are repeated thousands of times on the net. You are forced to do this because PFS would have a fit and send their lawyers on you because of the non-compete clause you signed. So the idea of Primerica being a pyramid scam is ridiculous. I guess that the people who changed their retirement plans for this will get screwed. Primerica Review - Compensation Plan & Pay Structure Details I found out an agent can offer products that can fit the need of a client rather than selling a one size fits all program. They have proven they cant be trusted, or are willing to twist anything to their point of view.. Since all these benefit the company is some way. I too issue them free of charge and I dont charge anyone a fee of any kind. I had to say that fro James jenni and Michaels benefit since they might not get it.) Just remember, NBIP (nothing personal in business). Finger Printing **Tom the point isnt about savings. So you do sell cash value. Tom please give me a history lesson on life insurance. It has been fun but since this is now taking time from my vacation. Thats it for now, Ill try and post more later. I have seen the training, and it is either lies, or it is lacking. We will still work as partners of course but keeping them as a parent comany is unnecessary. Homeowners/Rental Insurance will not protect you when you car is totaled in an accident. It reminds me of something I read before. Using it for savings or any other use is not right. Its not a MLM but use some of the ideals from them. It is probably one of the reasons he left Primerica and has he own office. No it did not. In addition, Citigroup has agreed to make whole any individual investors, small businesses and charitable organizations that sustained losses on auction-rate securities that they purchased prior to February 11, 2008 and sold after February 11, 2008. The level of care your senior loved one needs may depend on the extent of cognitive impairment. Since you still cant figure it out, why not stay off these boards so the only people you confuse is your clients. If you are happy with PFS, I am happy for you. - The subject of Primerica may be a contentious one, but certainly no one who looks at it with a degree of objectivity and intelligence would admit when all is said and done that Primerica is a scam. Respectfully, I really dont care what you think. The recruiting aspect comes from the nature of ANY business. All of this high-pressure sales tactics and fallacies about our firm are evidently from competitors. Is there anything negative about that video? And as for the Rule of 72, it will blow your need for insurance in the later years. I think at one time they called it being an inactive rep. if you are whining because youve never built a business then you need a hug. And another reason is because companies that sell that way normally do not want to provide an education or service to the client. That is not the same as a CEO or owner of a S or C corp. And it shows your greed. by your uplines. One size does not fit all. It is work. If so, what would happen if he caught you working on the side? We are apid commsions from our own sales. longer guarantees ), I could go on and on, but then again I do not want to ramble. But usuing it will not hurt my family.. Now Tom you attack people on a personal and professional level and you tell me to grow up? Relationships. Since you are not locked in, the client will not know what you are getting in the back end., See this depends. Its about recruiting and getting people trained. What about the 99 dollars and you get all those licenses? I know it must be hard for you to understand. You say it is not a business. Whatever it is.i dont care because i personally.AM MOTIVATED. If you match what I post then it is an insult. You have attacked me. . If you guys get ROP is a way to pay more so if by chance you keep paying for the length of the term, you will get the premiums back. As I became bigger and better in sales making more money, I kept adding to them. Art Williams was not a captive owner. If you want to know about my carriers e-mail me at [emailprotected]. Let me just say I myself didnt really see or understand the system while at Primerica. It was shame they did not get the same treatment the Mortgage industry is getting now. From what I remember I do understand since you are the donkey pulling the cart, but please try to understand that this is better than the beginning years. You can be Rolled Back which means lose the promotions that you have received and the commission levels at your RVPs discretion . Since it is apparent That my information is like placing pearls before swine, I am done with you. Good Luck Tom. If I was Micahels or James Clients, I would not walk but run and pull all my files from them. Some of these subjects are beyond PFS agents. This is ten times the amount and only two of the licenses. Primerica Life Insurance Companys statutory risk-based capital ratio was about 420% as of Sep 30, 2021. Primerica life is never the cheapest, but then I pay for quality. This gets around the Do NOT Call list, and the fact that you will be bugged until you leave them or cave. I know from us, my husband invested about $5000 with them, and 6 years later was only about to recoup about $2000. Then, this PFS people have at me. 8 Likes, 1 Comments - Breakthrough The Nations (@breakthroughthenations) on Instagram: Pain is universal but we all suffer at a different level! This blog is great. Does the agent wish to offer health insurance? Paid on what I would call a laddering effect how they were spending the bail out money, kept. A bussines owener, LLC is an insult emails saying they are Christian Mortgage Brokers even his. 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