Dont tempt fate, Manu! The words of one 80-year old widow were insightful: My husband planted a tamarind seedling on our compound hoping to only benefit from its shade. (Chapter 1). Symptoms reported include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, fever, chills, and vomiting. 2000. Did he hear a voice behind him? While visiting the U.S. Virgin Islands try some tamarinds, and if they are not in season try some other local fruit! His heart was beating hard. A Tropical Fruit with Health Benefits, tamarind - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Updates? Its trunk was already enormous. A house build according to Vaastu science is considered to bring in the happiness and pleasures of life. Six focus group discussions, 12 key informant interviews and 60 semi-structured interviews were used to collect information about knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices [2023] with regard to T. indica. In the cemetery of Murungapalayam, a little village on the outskirts of Pondicherry, there is a huge, beautiful tamarind tree with the sinister reputation of having more than a thousand nails driven into its trunk. 2010. It has the sweetest fruit of all the three tamarind trees on our land. Silently. Yummy. Knowledge, attitudes and practices in tamarind (, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine,,,,,,,, His legend would be as tall as that rotten tree. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethical Review Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University. Methods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups. We indicate the names of villages and subcounties where the study was conducted. Sensitizing women about the nutritional benefits of various T. indica products could increase chances of tamarind being included in meals since it is women that are often involved in preparing meals and caring for the sick. There are no ghosts. 2008;204(6):2915. Sugar or honey was often added to enhance taste. Respondents in Tororo district reported selling tamarind fruit with its shells still intact for the equivalent of half a United States dollar for smaller heaps (1kg) and up to one dollar for a basinful (38kg). Tamarind wood was reported to be a favourite for firing limestone kilns as it produces intense heat. Im coming down., As soon as he began to climb down, he saw, through his tears, his whole village. Tamarind trees are native to tropical Africa and were introduced to India by Arab traders in ancient times. Thm ti xo hi sn ~ Pineapple seafood22 / $25 (lunch / dinner) Fresh pineapple, cucumber, tomato, sweet onion, and Vietnamese celery stir fried with prawns, squid, and scallops served with fresh chili and soy sauce. Afr J Ecol. Key informant interviews in Tororo revealed that tamarind fruitpulp was used as a preservative for the millet bread which warriors fed on during the tribal wars between the Jopadhola and Banyole. However school age children in both rural and urban areas appreciated tamarind fruit. If ghosts really did exist! TORORO District State of Environment Report. Such documentation contributes to providing local solutions or alternatives and instilling pride among rural communities about their traditional values [3]. PN is a Professor in the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism, School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University. Observation of the tamarind niche revealed that farmers plant or preserve T. indica with other tree species. Often there are some fallen beneath the tree. Ambio. He had only one thought: Hammer this damn nail and get back! He couldnt tell one thing from another. Although focus group discussions indicated that T. indica was grown with peas, soya beans and simsim, these three crops were not encountered. TAKE LIFE IN YOUR HANDS TO REALISE VISION OF HUMAN LIFE: INSPIRED SPIRITUAL HAIKU, Daily Sharing Yog Vashishtha to Know Almighty 61, Begin your day with daily dose of music medicine for health and happiness: Haiku. Few plants are able to grow beneath the tree which raises superstition as well. How can we warn him now? Few plants will survive beneath a tamarind tree and there is a superstition that it is harmful to sleep or to tie a horse beneath one, probably because of the corrosive effect that fallen leaves have on fabrics in damp weather. They watched their friend go off little by little, making his way further and further into the cemetery. American Chemical Society; 2009: p. 85110. 1993;18:7789. Alternatively a long stick was used to remove the fruits. From the bottom of their hearts, they prayed to all the gods. Tamarind is high in many nutrients, including thiamine, magnesium, potassium and iron. Driving Directions to Fort Lauderdale, FL including road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local businesses along the way. Stangeland T, Remberg SF, Lye KA. We have to do something.. Nalubega R, Nyanzi SA, Nakavuma JL, Kamatenesi-Mugisha M. Ethnobotanical uses of Lantana trifolia L. and Sida cuneifolia Roxb. Americas National Research Council. Checking the soil of the plant is always an ideal practice to avoid overwatering. Had he really hammered it in? We hypothesized that the indigenous people of Eastern Uganda have used T. indica for generations and developed practices that promote its conservation and therefore we expected that they possess an elaborate IK system and that most of them have planted the species. Understanding the types and extent of IK possessed by the communities in the study area regarding T. indica may be vital in guiding decisions on how the resource can be conserved [2, 4]. UNDP Uganda Human Development Report 2007. Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome, Italy; 2008. Insert the root ball in the hole and fill the soil around root ball to maintain the tree trunk above the soil line. His whole body started to tremble from the shock. They pulled him forward. Hurry up! As he got closer to the tree, Manus shadow grew smaller and the tree climbed higher into the sky. Corrections? The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. Tamarind seedlings were not accorded any form of protection, and were reportedly often destroyed by livestock. What if, somehow, something happened? Knowledge, attitudes and practices in tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) use and conservation in Eastern Uganda. Introduction: the growing importance of traditional forest-related knowledge. Proximate and mineral composition of Tamarindus indica Linn 1753 seeds. The specific objectives were 1) to identify knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with T. indica production, use and conservation in Tororo and Butaleja districts. A modified form of snow-ball sampling was used to select respondents for key informant interviews [20, 21]. 206.860.1404. There was only his nail and his hammer. Identification and promotion of appropriate technology for processing tamarind products such as seeds and fibres that are currently wasted needs to be encouraged. Manus courage shook his friends, left them motionless. tamarind, (Tamarindus indica), evergreen tree of the pea family (Fabaceae), native to tropical Africa. Tamarindus indica is considered a sacred tree in some parts of the world such as India and West Africa [7, 12, 34]. Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. And why has the American Right gone to war with it? There is a need for research on markets and value-addition to be carried out by relevant government agencies as well as private institutions and individuals. Advertisement. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The bulk of tamarind fruit bought was destined for markets in nearby urban areas such as Tororo and Mbale as well as distant ones such as Jinja and Kampala and in neighboring Kenya. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine The limited accessibility of sacred groves is advantageous for preservation of T. indica in situ since trees therein are not usually cut down. 2007;45:2930. And if there were any, theyd have shown up by now. Can the cemetery thus, perhaps, as a public place, help the poor meet their daily needs? Fifty two out of the 60 tamarinds (87%) encountered in quadrats grew among other crops or trees. Fluoride.2010;43(2):13440. It forms part of the great African savanna and experiences a sub humid climate characterized by two rainy seasons [15, 16]. Creative Resources Systems; 1987 p. 11521. A few ghosts cling to their knotted branches, swaying in the wind for eternity like abandoned kites. Gill P, Stewart K, Treasure E, Chadwick B. In beverage form, it was commonly used to treat diarrhea, constipation, fever, and malaria. 2007;2(1). Wild and semi-wild foods continue to form a significant proportion of the global food basket. If ghosts really do exist, then theyre waiting for the right moment to pounce on him. Omissions? Trees were mainly sold to operators of limestone kilns and brick makers. However, you may keep them in an open space or garden. Some African tribes hold the tamarind tree to be sacred and there is a superstition that it is harmful to sleep or to tie a horse beneath one. Seizing the opportunity, all the others shook off their inertia and cowardice, begging him to drop the idea. Figure2 provides a summary of propagation history and silvicultural practices for 60 tamarinds observed within quadrats. California Privacy Statement, Only 12% of tamarinds were owned by women while the rest (3%) were public property. But what was he to do in the meantime? De Caluw E, Halamov K, Van Damme P. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.): a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology in African natural plant products: new discoveries and challenges in chemistry and quality. Table4 outlines the gender roles, beliefs and taboos associated with T. indica ownership, production and trade. The roles and values of wild foods in agricultural systems. Dont bother them. But he wouldnt admit it. Selling was carried out from homes, roadside markets, rotational markets and market stalls. Tamarind fruit beverage was also commonly given to rejuvenate those returning from war. Planting of T. indica was not commonly practiced by women since they owned neither land nor the trees thereon. The tree however can live another 150+ years. Accessed 14 Dec 2008. In spite of everything, such guts that guy has! Scrape the pulp off the seed with your teeth and spit the seed out. Tamarindus indica was used for food, medicinal, cultural, social, environmental amelioration and income generation purposes. What is woke capitalism? Processing of tamarind was mostly done by women and children since it is women who usually prepare family meals. To 'Whosoever' searching for True Love How to feel Better when nothing else works? Whatever you do, dont turn around!, Look! Accessed from: Efforts aimed at food security need to be aligned with environmental conservation to reinforce each other for effectiveness and maximum benefit to local communities. According to Vastu, plants with red flowers and bonsai trees should not be kept inside the house. This practice is in agreement with findings of Gunasena et al., El-Siddig et al. Unlike other trees, tamarinds are never blown over by wind and their branches never fall off thereby protecting your house.. This is in agreement with Shapi et al. The authors are grateful to Regional Initiatives in Science and Education-African Natural Products Network/Science Initiative Group (RISE-AFNNET/SIG) and Kyambogo University for financing the study. He swore that if he got out of this alive, he would never again do something so stupid. Based on this belief, it was a taboo for mature girls and women to climb tamarind trees. A common belief formerly prevalent in both districts was that whoever planted T. indica would die before tasting its fruit. Hes far away. A cultural practice reported among the Jopadhola ethnic group was that once a girl who has experienced menstrual period climbed a tamarind tree, the fruits of such a tree became sour. However at points of sale such as markets, men were involved in processing of tamarind which included removing the shell to expose the fruit pulp, packing several fruits in transparent polythene and displaying for sale. Google Scholar. Bourou S, Bowe C, Diouf M, Van Damme P. Ecological and human impacts on stand density and distribution of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Senegal. Focus group discussions also revealed that trees at construction sites, including T. indica, were felled to create space for buildings and provide building materials thus contributing to reduction of the tamarind population. EEO designed the study, collected data and coordinated the write up. Is this the branch that will take me to the top? He had already climbed quite high. Or are they waiting for something else?What?Lets hammer that damn nail and get out!. Let him come back safe and sound! In: Parrotta JA, Trosper RL, editors. 2012;50(3):253380. 2010;127:57388. The tree is also grown as an ornamental, and the wood is used in carpentry. Ghosts only attack people who turn around. Majority of respondents in focus group discussions expressed willingness to grow T. indica if assured of financial benefit. The tamarind is an example of how the superstitions of the Sinhalese and Tamils are sometimes in opposition. [28] argue that when people appreciate the value of biodiversity, they will be more likely to think about conservation in their day-to-day activities such as how to use land and other natural resources. Christian pastor, wife arrested in Ghaziabad after mob makes conversion allegations. The trees continue to yield fruit up to 50-60 years then productivity declines. Behind him. 2008;62:2439. El-Siddig K, Gunasena HPM, Prasad BA, Pushpakumara DKNG, Raman KVR, Vijayanand P, Williams JT. Although a variety of social and ecological drivers are acting to reduce the use of wild and semi-wild foods, their importance may be set to grow as pressures on agricultural productivity increase [1, 2]. every learner is entitled to high quality learning resources. So the story goes at least. The pyres had been extinguished. Tamarind fruit was eaten as snack by almost all the respondents (98.33% citation). This characteristic was reported by 53% of the respondents as the major reason for tamarinds popularity in compounds and homegardens. Tamarind pulp and seed can be used as alternative sources of nutrients to alleviate malnutrition and improve nutritional status in humans and animals [31, 32]. [26] who observe that indigenous fruit tree species such as tamarind traditionally act to build resilience into the Sub-Saharan Africas farming system in terms of food security, income generation and ecosystem stability. Multi-stage proportionate sampling was used to determine the subcounties, villages and numbers of respondents for the study basing on the number of households and size of human population [19]. Econ Bot. While the importance of indigenous knowledge (IK) for conservation of ecosystems is widely recognized, documentation about its role in the conservation of T. indica in Uganda is very scanty. Be ready for the sour taste! Interviews were conducted by trained interviewers fluent in the three major dialects of the study area viz Dhopadhola, Ateso and Lunyole. She is a PhD student at Makerere University. 1996;13:522525. And my friends have abandoned me! Quantitative data on key variables was analysed and expressed using descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages). Approximately half of respondents had T. indica on their compounds or homegardens (53%). Manu was ready to do anything to prove that he was the bravest. Hes coming down., That guy really has guts! Lets go home!. Gunasena HPM, Hughes A. Tamarind. The bark and leaves were also used to. Is it because the tamarind provides fruits essential for cooking? 2026 Eller Dr Hollywood FL 33316 (877) 932-4259. Behind you!, The whole trees moving! Participants in focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews and key informant interviews were required to respond to several questions which covered the following themes: location of T. indica, uses, propagation, planting of T. indica, where T. indica is commonly planted, constraints faced with regard to tamarind production, tamarind ownership, silvicultural practices, conservation practices, tamarind trade, as well as taboos and cultural practices regarding tamarind. PubMed Central Fed up with the silence of the cemetery and the cold breeze that periodically slapped him, he decided that it didnt matter where he drove the nail, as long as he got back down as fast as possible. Google Scholar. No! Wait wasn't terrible but could be. It is highly acid, contains 30% - 40% sugar and has high vitamin C and excellent keeping qualities. Why me? who report T. indica as rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and containing significant amounts of iron as well as sodium, copper, zinc and nickel [7, 8, 31]. Their heart beat fast. Ill do it! he said in spite of the fear that was consuming him. Documenting the knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with T. indica production and conservation was therefore deemed pertinent given its potential to address the constraints faced by the local communities [79]. Guidelines and good practices. Directions Advertisement. National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). Tamarind fruit pulp is found in the pea-like pods (up to 15cm long by 2.5cm across) surrounding one to twelve seeds. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the plant. Tamarind Tree is one of the few K-12 spaces in India to run entirely on technology - that too OPEN Technologies. Correspondence to A few of the largest tamarind trees in the U.S. Virgin Islands are thought to be 300+ years old. And its arms stretched longer as he stared. PubMedGoogle Scholar. The damage was attributed to browsing of saplings by livestock, especially goats, and removal of bark of stems and roots of mature trees for medicinal purposes. All his blood froze. The trees are considered by some to be spirit trees and so another warning states that you should not sit beneath a tamarind tree after sunset lest a spirit follow you home! A comparison of the research findings on tamarind uses with those reported in literature (Table5) indicates that T. indica is largely underutilised in the study area. 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