The King James Version has long been a traditional part of Anglican worship, and many converts continue to value its language and know its verses by heart. It is a translation of the original languages (Hebrew and Greek) into English. Please enlighten me with your understanding of Catholics changing a Commandment of which I believe are ten. Its unlikely for the church to forbid Catholics from using any version of the bible in particular. The first guideline was agreement with the "rule of faith," or general traditional Christian teaching. Some of the many problems with the Apocrypha are its absurd stories, historical errors and contradictions. Join my email list to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. 2. Meaning that the Catholic Bible contains 73 books in total, as opposed to the Protestants 66 books which refuses them. The final guideline was apostolic authorship, which inevitably led to the exclusion of post-100 A.D. writings. This version still uses a lot of old speech, which could be one reason why scholars have continued to update the book and change it since then. Difference Between things, places, concepts, products, etc. You might notice that in bookstores, there are sections for Catholic Bibles and Protestant Bibles. On the other hand, King James Bible (KJB) for their Old Testament has the translations. The Catholic Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek texts while the King James Bible was translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and The Catholic Churchs translation of the texts that make up the books of the Bible is better known as the Vulgate, from the Latin versio vulgata, or common version. This was a translation of the Hebrew Bible and the books of the New Testament into Latin for the use of the Roman Catholic Church, which used Latin exclusively at Mass until the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, permitted the use of vernacular languages in 1965. Since the late 19th century, progress made in Scripture scholarship has produced, that challenge the previously undisputed prominence of the King James Version. The Catholic Bible contains 7 more letters than the King James Bible. The KJV translates the passage, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. In doing so, the KJV translates the Greek word for good will in the nominative case; that is, the KJV understands good will (Greek word: eudokias) to be the subject of its clause. Other versions of the bible change entire sentences completely. Having the correct version of scripture will help you learn more and be able to pass the information on to children that might attend church with you. Some books like the New King James Version seem to merely change the wording. even though I am not a catholic your information is historically accurate. Read the Church fathers and about what Luther spent his last days focused on and what his last sermon was. The Catholic Church regards these additional books as deuterocanonical, or part of a second canon, which Protestant churches do not observe. WebThe Catholic Bible is actually the generic term for the Christian Bible. On the other hand, King James Bible (KJB) for their Old Testament has the translations. While the Catholic Church does not use the King James Version at Mass and recommends that Catholics read a Bible that contains all 73 books that the Church considers canonical, many curious Catholics, breaking free from the stereotype that personal Bible study is not necessary, explore the KJV at home to appreciate its verbiage and scholarship. While this article has some very good reasoning for what the differences are; they need to remain independent of whos side they are taking. In the Deuterocanonical Books, the original Hebrew structure has been translated into Greek. WebThe King James Version is also called the King James Bible, KJV, or Authorized Version. Only Jews might say that but even they had them and left them out of their future printings and we chose to keep them. While the King James Bible is based on a translation of a Protestant Bible, the Catholic Bible is based on the original Hebrew and Greek texts. 800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484), The Family, the Education of Children, and the Role of the State. These added books in the Catholic Bible are known collectively as the Apocrypha. As a literal translation of the canonical texts, the Latin edition of the Catholic Bible is regarded to be the most accurate translation. It was the other Christian religions that have modified and removed books. You are ignoring the FACT that the Catholic church has changed the 10 Commandments of God. 6. Augustine believed in the spiritual value of the books while Jerome did not. Bible translation differences. The Bible has had a profound influence on all of Western civilization. They were written to Christians who were struggling with their faith in Jesus Christ during a time when Christianity was being persecuted by people who did not believe in God or Jesus Christ. In fact, the church doesnt denounce the King James Version of the Bible, but it uses different versions during mass. The Ethiopian Bible only contains four of the Gospels of the New Testament and also contains books that were not included the King James Bible. The Church doesnt forbid Catholics from having any version of the Bible on their bookshelf. In AD 90-100 a Jewish council which rejected the Christian New Testament Scriptures declared that the Deuteroanonical books were not part of their canonical Scriptures. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website! Many people dont realize that there is a difference between the Protestant and Catholic versions: Protestant (Biblical) Version 1. By nature, it includes the so-called Old and New Testaments. As mentioned, the Catholic faith doesnt reject any version of the bible, but youll notice that there are many different variations. Catholics United for the Faith Only the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Assyrian Churches recognize and approve of them. 2:4, 2 Pet. But my brother has become a Pentecostal. } However theres one given by Jesus, part of the Trinity, that says to love God first and others as you do yourself. By nature, it includes the so-called Old and New Testaments. Regardless of the version of the bible, the teachings remain the same. 2. First, I want to affirm with all evangelical Christians that the Bible is the Word of God, inerrant, inspired, and our final authority for faith and life. King James I of England summoned the Hampton Court Conference to create this version of the Bible. As a result, no one translation is perfect. As a result, Catholic Bible has Apocrypha while King James Bible does not. There is no verse that tells me how The Bible has shaped our language, literature, government, law, education, science and medicine. It was written in Hebrew (Old Testament) or Greek (New Testament), and no original manuscripts exist. The reason for this difference is that the Catholic Bible includes a few verses from books that are not included in the King James Bible. They all contain the same language and message, but theyre updated and revised for a variety of reasons. The Ethiopian Bible only contains four of the Gospels of the New Testament and also contains books that were not included the King James Bible. By nature, it includes the so-called Old and New Testaments. WebAnswer (1 of 33): Start by checking out the 10 Commandments of both versions. But Catholics may find it helpful to use the version of the Bible that is used at Mass: the New American Bible. The King James Version has long been a traditional part of Anglican worship, and many converts continue to value its language and know its verses by heart. The Catholic canon of the Sacred Scriptures (i.e., the books that the church believes to have been divinely inspired) had been established long before that in fact, by church synods and councils in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. The most significant book in the English language is the Bible. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Everything took place in a separate time period, and each time period had its own unique set of linguistic implications. A 1616 printed King James bible translated by James I on display at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. on September 27, 2011. A. The word translation means to carry over. In other words, to take something from one language and carry it over into another language. But the council took place back in 645 A.D. or there abouts not in the 16th century. That being said, there are important differences. Nowhere am I told that the King James Bible is the best or only holy Bible. Catholic Bible is the book followed by the Catholics, or accepted as the Holy Scripture by the Catholics. King James Bible is only one of several translations that exist. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-MY FAITH (693-2484) or email us with any further questions on this or any other subject. In the Catholic Bible, one can find the books called Apocrypha, also referred to as the Deutercanonicals, which include Tobit, Maccabees I and II, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, and Baruch. Because of the lack of seven Apocrypha books, the King James Bible comprises only 39 Old Testament books, whereas its translations of the New Testament The King James Version was authorized by King James I because he wanted it to be used in all churches in England. By nature, it includes the so-called Old and New Testaments. Father Kenneth Doyle writes Question Corner for Catholic News Service. WebThe Catholic Bible is actually the generic term for the Christian Bible. What is the difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible? The Catholic Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek texts while the King James Bible was translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and The KJV translates the passage, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. In doing so, the KJV translates the Greek word for good will in the nominative case; that is, the KJV understands good will (Greek word: eudokias) to be the subject of its clause. Created by - All rights reserved 2022. In this article, were looking at the differences between Bible versions, why there are variations, and which bibles the church recognizes. A Hampton Court Conference was convened by King James I in the year 1604. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, holds on to the belief that the Bible was in fact penned by its author. Filed Under: Bible, Commentary, Question Corner, Q. I was raised Catholic and love my religion. You said "80 books." There are several differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible. However, nowhere in the Bible am I told that only one translation of it is the correct one. The King James Version uses one of these three ways to express numbers and so it gives us 600 years instead of 500 years. In the King James Version of Matthew 6:13, it says that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Catholic Bible is the book followed by the Catholics, or accepted as the Holy Scripture by the Catholics. It is a masterpiece that has become one of the greatest literary works in history. Thus, the DRV translation: Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace to men of good will., Ancient biblical codices, discovered after the KJVs translation, support the genitive case translation put forth by the DRV, as they render the Greek word in Luke 2:14 as eudokias, not eudokia. Consequently, both Catholic and Protestant modern biblical translations support the genitive case translation. 3. Early in the history of these books, indeed before the Roman Empire fell (476 A.D.), two of the leading Catholic writers, Jerome and Augustine, had a major debate over the Apocrypha. This is the third official English translation of the Bible and was conceived due to issues against the two earlier translations. Many are reluctant to come during the pandemic, and the elderly and the sick in particular are anxious to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. The King James version of the Bible was published by the Church of England in the year 1611. WebAnswer: The difference between the Catholic version of the Bible and other translations is that it has additional books contained in the Old Testament that other translations (NKJV, NIV, etc.) Order of Books The Catholic Bible and King James Bible differ in the order of the books. WebThe King James Version is also called the King James Bible, KJV, or Authorized Version. I am the Lord thy GodThou shalt have no other gods before Me. These additional seven books, which Protestants consider non-canonical, are a full part of the Old Testament in Catholic editions of the Bible. Q. It also helps to ask other people who share ones faith and beliefs in choosing the one among the different variations of the Bible. It should be noted, however, that the editors of the King James Version were instructed by King James I of England to make sure that the translation was in harmony with the theology of the Church of England. After all, the King James Bible was used for centuries it wasnt until the late 20 th century that any other translation gained credible traction. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Im telling you that the Our Father is The Only prayer given to us when Jesus himself answered the apostles when they asked Him how to pray. The only bible that contains them is the original Catholic version. The books include: These books contain prayers for the dead and intercessions of saints and angels, which are not recognized in the Protestant church. The Great Bible and Bishops Bible were two of the first editions. Protestants dont have a central group that provides as the authoritarian on what they all believe as a group. Likewise, these books contain references to concepts that are familiar to Catholics but rejected by Protestants such as prayer for the dead and intercessions of saints and angels. The contents of the website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this site (Content) are for informational purposes only. On the other hand, King James Bible (KJB) for their Old Testament has the translations. Job 22:21 (KJV) Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Also, the King James Bible is written in Old English. For KJB New Testament, the translators used the Greek editions. Another Apocrypha writing, the book of Judith, contains so many absurdities that even another Catholic translation admitted, "The book of Judith in particular shows a bland indifference to history and geography.". These added books in the Catholic Bible are known collectively as the Apocrypha. The reason for this difference is that in Greek there are three different ways to express numbers. Common sense tells us the King James Bible utterly, with divine strength, exposes the Roman cult for what it is - pure antichrist. The Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible are different manuscripts. The Ethiopian Bible has 84 books compared to the 66 in the King James Bible. With the COVID-19 restrictions, why doesnt the bishop of our diocese offer general absolution for all those unable to come to church? The Catholic Bible has more books than the King James Bible. Reality is the books were there when the church was forming we didnt create or add anything. The reason for this difference is that the Catholic Bible includes seven books called the Deuterocanonical Books or the Apocrypha. You said "80 books." WebThe Catholic Bible has 73 books, while the King James Bible has 66. For KJB New Testament, the translators used the Greek editions. Catholic Review Media provides intergenerational communications that inform, teach, inspire and engage Catholics and all of good will in the mission of Christ through diverse forms of media. Knowing about what the two versions of the Holy Scripture have to offer is a great help in determining which one to get a hold of. WebCatholic Bible is the only one that has added books from the Old Testament. Tobias (the son) marries this widow, and by burning two of the fish parts, drives off the evil spirit called Asmodeus. It also includes the Latin Vulgate. In the Luther Bible, the King James Bible, and other Protestant editions, these books, called the Apocrypha, are a section between testaments, an appendix following the conclusion of the New Testament, or omitted altogether. The translation of the KJV was finished in the early 1600s. There are several differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible. For KJB New Testament, the translators used the Greek editions. Unfortunately, currently, there arent any original scriptures available, so were going entirely off of what was interpreted through the years. King James Bible is the Protestant bible. WebThe Catholic Bible has 73 books, while the King James Bible has 66. In this Bible, there is also the obvious distinction between the second person singular and the second person plural. In the 17th century, King James I ordered the job to be completed. Once you reject the Church Our Lord established how long until you reject him? 10 Differences between King James Bible and Catholic Bible 1. 10 Differences between King James Bible and Catholic Bible 1. The decision was taken to create a new English translation of the Christian Bible.There were 47 persons that worked on the translation. WebWhile modern Bible translations have grown in use, the King James Version remains the most popular and most familiar of Bible translations. Meaning that the Catholic Bible contains 73 books in total, as opposed to the Protestants 66 books which refuses them. Individual confession is the ordinary way of celebrating the sacrament of penance, and the church has always valued the personal contact between the priest and the penitent. There were 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The textual reference is lacking in precision. October 27, 2020By Father Kenneth Doyle Catholic News Service If you walk into a bookstore, youll notice that there are different sections in the store selling the many versions of the bible. Though we refer to the King James Bible as the initial translation, the Hebrew and Greek text of the Catholic Bible must also be translated. Baltimore, MD 21201 Difference Between Catholic Bible and Baptist Bible, Difference Between Old Testament and New Testament, Difference Between Renaissance and Reformation. The King James version of the Bible waspublishedby the Church of England in the year 1611. Wed suggest the New International Version because its well updated and it doesnt have a lot of the old dialect that youll get in the King James Version. Can you tell me when the Catholic version and the King James werepublished? The only difference is that the King James Version is one of the many versions of the original Catholic bible that is used in mass. Because of the lack of seven Apocrypha books, the King James Bible comprises only 39 Old Testament books, whereas its translations of the New Testament are complete. You might find altered phrasing and wording, but almost all versions contain the same information overall. Catholic Review Because the Tanakh has never included these books, nor do the books of the New Testament cite them as they do other books of the Old Testament, Protestant theologians regard the Apocrypha with suspicion. Copyright 2020 Catholic News Service/U.S. English-speaking Catholics often use the Jerusalem Bible or New Jerusalem Bible. You can browse the KJV Bible verses by using the chapters listed below, or use our Bible search feature at the top of this page. WebSeveral versions of the King James Bible (KJV) were produced in 1611,1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769. This book lacks what C.S. All rights reserved. Catholic editions of the King James Version are now available, featuring the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament in their traditional Catholic order rather than as an Apocrypha appendix or left on the cutting-room floor. King James Bible The Preserved and Living Word of God SEARCH THE BIBLE (Advanced) SELECT A BOOK (Index) CHAPTER VERSE Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. The Apocrypha is found in the Catholic Bible, although the King James Bible does not. There are different versions of the Old Testament in both bibles. These added books in the Catholic Bible are known collectively as the Apocrypha. One remarkable difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is the content. After all, the King James Bible was used for centuries it wasnt until the late 20 th century that any other translation gained credible traction. Theyre from the Bibles first five books. } Published in 1611, the poetic weight and beauty has had quite an impact According to Christian teachings, the KJV was completed around the year 1611. I am the Lord thy GodThou shalt have no other gods before Me. Meaning that the Catholic Bible contains 73 books in total, as opposed to the Protestants 66 books which refuses them. First published in 1611, this greatest book ever written by committee has become a cornerstone not just of Christianity but of Christendom as a whole, influencing the entire English language in manners large and small. You might notice that in bookstores, there are sections for Catholic Bibles and Protestant Bibles. Conversely, the King James Bible version is just one of the many versions of the Holy Book circulated throughout. If you would prefer to read the King James Bible as intended, however, with both the canonical Protestant texts and a lovely presentation, one that will last for generations with proper care, peruse our catalog for a leather-bound KJV bible. The KJV offers beautiful poetic language and a more of a word-for-word approach. The seven books of the Apocrypha are also included. Required fields are marked *. The Catholic Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek texts while the King James Bible was translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and The Catholic Bible contains 7,216 verses while the King James Bible contains 7,188 verses. The 1769 edition is most commonly cited as the King James Version (KJV). What is the difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible? do not. Common sense tells us the King James Bible utterly, with divine strength, exposes the Roman cult for what it is - pure antichrist. Regardless of the version of the bible, the teachings remain the same. The translation of the KJV was finished in the early 1600s. KJV This translation is known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. 6. Job 22:21 (KJV) Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus The only difference is that the King James Version is one of the many versions of the original Catholic bible that is used in mass. It tells how they carried out his teachings after he ascended into heaven and how they spread Christianity throughout the world. This makes it hard for someone who has been brought up without knowledge of Old English to understand the King James Bible. Order of Books The Catholic Bible and King James Bible differ in the order of the books. On the contrary, the Catholic Bible is written in the modern day English. The first Latin translation of the canonical Scriptures was the Catholic Bible, and the first English translation was the King James Bible. Of addition, the high-sounding English in the King James Version had to be changed later. They include such books as Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, etc. This term is a Latinized form of the Hebrew word Yahweh. The Douay-Rheims version of the Bible uses the term Yahweh four times and so it is translated as LORD instead of Jehovah.. The letters were written by Paul (Romans), Peter (1 Peter), James (James), John (1 John), Jude (Jude) and others. Thank you for your support as we endeavor to support, defend, and advance the efforts of the teaching Church., Thomas J. Nash And why use holy water? Instead of using thee and thy, they changed the phrasing to meet the modern language standards. Overall, there are more similarities than differences in these ancient texts. The King James Version is not only a translation but it is also a revision of earlier English translations that had been made by other people. The Puritans were a distinct group of individuals that lived throughout the 16th century. However, later versions of the King James Bible do not have these books as the bible publishers considered them less important. There was no greater obstacle to me coming to Christ than the Protestant religion. I would not want to say 2Maccabees is as historically sound as (say) either the books of Daniel, 1Kings or 2Kings. After all, the King James Bible was used for centuries it wasnt until the late 20 th century that any other translation gained credible traction. One remarkable difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is the content. There is no verse that tells me how They include such books as Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, etc. The New Testament contains twenty-seven books, which are divided into four categories: Gospels, Acts, Letters, and Revelation. For the mission to be completed, they were separated into six panels. The Church of England authorized and started the English translation of the Christian Bible in 1604 and finished translating it in 1611. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, whereas the New Testament was written in Greek.. The Catholic Bible is called the Holy Bible, or the Word of God. They were Protestants who want to rid the Church of England of any Catholic influence. The bottom line is, it is beneficial for Catholics to use a Catholic Bible, such as the Catholic Study Bible of the New American Bible. Specifically for Catholics, the King James Version follows the Protestant pattern of not including the Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament that are recognized by Catholics: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 & 2 Maccabees (as well as portions of the Books of Esther and Daniel). His books includeLiving the Mass, The Bible Blueprint, The Catechists Toolbox, and A Well-Built Faith.He is the National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago. Answer: The difference between the Catholic version of the Bible and other translations is that it has additional books contained in the Old Testament that other translations (NKJV, NIV, etc.) You said "80 books." One big difference is Exodus Chapter 11 and the 10 Commandments. It all depends on what youre looking for. For example, Tobit, which the Catholic Church accepts, describes a story in which a Jewish father, blinded by bird's dung falling into his eyes, sends out his son to collect a debt. 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