These initiatives, as well as any near-term security sector programming, will be used to support the security sector reform/disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (SSR/DDR) and governance needed to end the conflict and the recruitment and use of child soldiers. Megan Hjelle-Lantsman It is essential to have various survivor voices lending feedback into all areas of an organizations work. Nepal Cameroon Forty percent of those on the streets are LGBTQI+. b. participation in international sex tourism by nationals of the country. Page 36: Getty-Ina Fassbender/Contributor Pursuant to the TVPA, governments of countries on Tier 3 may be subject to certain restrictions on foreign assistance, whereby the President may determine not to provide U.S. government nonhumanitarian, nontrade-related foreign assistance as defined in the TVPA. In addition, since 2019 the Department of Homeland Securitys Customs and Border Protection has issued 10 Withhold Release Orders against goods and companies connected to forced labor in Xinjiang to block their entry into the United States. The purpose of the Network is to engage experts, particularly those with lived experience of human trafficking, to provide expertise and input on Department of State anti-trafficking policies, strategies, and products. Observers noted the judiciarys broad discretion and inconsistency in granting bail, as well as reports of fraud and corruption within the bail process, engendered concomitant recidivism (repeat offences), victim re-traumatisation and a perception of impunity.. Georgia Gregory Borgstede The government provided Aarav and the other victims support in the aftermath of the raid. Part of this work requires us to acknowledge we will never be able to understand the full scope of what is needed without the expertise of those affected by systemic inequality. UNODCs Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section (HTMSS) began providing alternative methods to deliver technical assistance by establishing an online center of excellence that will allow for delivery of trainings, webinars, and blended and self-paced learning, as well as interaction among practitioners to foster HTMSS community of practice. Her office oversees the three shelters and partners with the inter-secretarial human trafficking commission, civil society organizations, among others to keep them running and provide services to the residents. Additional assistance will be obligated during FY 2021. International Military Education and Training $540,950 The U.S. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported a 98.66 percent increase in online enticement reports between January and September 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, and reports to their CyberTipline doubled to 1.6 million. In response to emerging challenges, governments and civil society organizations conducted in-depth research assessments on the impacts of COVID-19, leveraged technology as a method to address emerging trends, adapted policy approaches, and sought to expand protections for victims. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Notably, governments and anti-trafficking stakeholders overlook familial trafficking, which is when a family member or guardian is the victims trafficker or the one who sells the child to a third-party trafficker. Malaysia Poole and her staff have worked with more than 3,000 women. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking was established to advise federal agencies on their anti-trafficking policies and programs, including on the application of this approach to their efforts. The request describes the annual reporting requirements for human trafficking and child soldiering for the report, which includes a detailed questionnaire where host governments can provide input. When traffickers use debts as a means to compel labor or commercial sex, they have committed a crime. A force of nature, she has prioritized achieving systemic change through grassroots action and effective networking. Based on this knowledge, the field has adapted anti-trafficking efforts to support survivors in specific, appropriate, and effective ways. As the DRCs principal partner in ending its devastating almost 2-year Ebola outbreak in the East and a major contributor to humanitarian assistance overall, the United States can leverage existing relationships to multiply and synergize the impact of PKO assistance. Reports from several countries demonstrated drastic increases in online commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, including online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC), and demand for and distribution of child sexual exploitation material (CSEM), including content that involved human trafficking victims. She continues to be a guiding force, bringing out the best in her team. Congo, Democratic Republic of the Maldives A trauma-informed approach is needed now more than ever. Bemaka-Soui is also sensitive to the effects that human trafficking has on individuals and their communities. Sarah Jennings Saint Lucia Ibusukis advocacy, along with his unwavering and admirable dedication to helping foreign nationals enduring labor exploitation and protecting their human rights, have brought these issues to the forefront and raised their profile within Japan and around the world. MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday admitted that he was upset upon learning that many government officials were involved in the illegal drug trade.. Through collaboration, learning, and embracing innovation, I am confident that global anti-trafficking efforts will emerge stronger than ever. Timor-Leste The Department of State assesses that the social and economic disruption caused by the conflict are the primary drivers for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Yemen by all parties to the conflict. Governments should hold all entities, including businesses, accountable for human trafficking. Traffickers capitalized on the reduced capacity and shifting priorities of law enforcement resulting in greater anonymity and impunity to pursue their crimes. Service providers should examine how they can more meaningfully engage and collaborate with historically underserved populations to achieve inclusive and culturally responsive service delivery. We salute the survivor leadersthose with lived experience of human traffickingwho have demonstrated resilience and reaffirm that employing trauma- and survivor-informed approaches is essential, crisis or not. No tier ranking is permanent. Canadian financial institutions, FINTRAC (Canadas Financial Intelligence Unit), financial regulators, law enforcement, non-profit organizations, and technology companies collaborated to develop indicia of suspicious transactions of money laundering from sex trafficking. Many of us are sexually assaulted by family, peers in schools, our ministers, or coaches. They left their country with fake passports and worked hard laying asphalt and stone in residential neighborhoods. Masks and other personal protective equipment, as well as virtual engagements, reduce the ability to read facial and non-verbal cues and body language, which can be a survival mechanism for survivors. When asking for the opinions and suggestions of these voices, be a conscious listener and follow through with implementing changes. This pattern of fracturing families and communities has led to an unjust overrepresentation of Black individuals in other systems, like prisons, runaway and homeless youth services, and foster or institutional care, that exacerbate the social isolation and vulnerability on which traffickers prey. International Military Education and Training $155,282 The COVID-19 pandemic increases childrens vulnerability to trafficking for several cross-cutting reasons. NATO Policy on Combatting Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (2019), NATO Guidance for the development of training and educational programmes to support the policy on combating the trafficking in human beings (2004). More than 175 countries have ratified or acceded to the UN TIP Protocol which defines trafficking in persons and contains obligations to prevent and combat the crime. Andrea Balint The CSPA prohibits assistance to governments that are identified in the list under the following authorities: International Military Education and Training, Foreign Military Financing, Excess Defense Articles, and Peacekeeping Operations, with exceptions for some programs undertaken pursuant to the Peacekeeping Operations authority. Brianna Gildner The conversation started, I have never been so humiliated; how was I supposed to maintain my composure? After a few moments of inquiring, I was informed of what was so humiliating to her, me. Doing so allowed the organization to continue connecting with potential trafficking victims, now hidden in private apartments and clandestine areas instead of clubs and brothels, which had been ordered to close due to the lockdown along with all other public spaces. Philippines Page 627: Panos/Dieter Telemans In addition, the GOI has made progress centralizing payment systems, including for the PMF, which helps to prevent government salaries from being paid to children. Page 25: Panos Pictures/Karen Robinson Page 23: Picture Alliance Table of Contents: Picture Alliance Cuba During an early July 2019 evaluation meeting in Yaound, the Head of the DDR Committee, Francis Fai Yengo, stated that at least 56 armed separatist fighters in the Northwest and Southwest Regions were reported to have laid down their arms and joined DDR centers, while 109 Boko Haram fighters had laid down their weapons in the Far North Region and were being housed at the DDR center in Mora. Page iii: Steve McCurry/Magnum Photos Angola Ibusuki not only has represented trafficking victims, many of whom participated in Japans Technical Intern Training Program, but also has been an outspoken advocate about the presence of forced labor in the program. We also expect that FMF may support elements of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program for the Super Tucanos. The pandemic also stymied investigators progress as victim-witnesses were occasionally quarantined by the Ministry of Health. Significant additional work remains to eradicate this practice across Yemen. Similarly, a study by the Government of the Philippines also found many overseas Filipino workers were stranded with their savings exhausted during 2020. Most importantly, age- and culturally appropriate comprehensive programs need to be developed with consideration of each unique survivor in mind. Disruptions to public justice systems and diversion of resources from anti-trafficking efforts during the pandemic increased impunity for traffickers and lowered the odds of their arrest. When the tables turned onto me, I already knew their opinions. While implementation of the action plan at the subnational level was limited until 2016, the SNAs Child Protection Unit (CPU), which is partially funded by the United States, put particular emphasis on screening, training and an aggressive media campaign. The Embassy will press the Nigerian government to improve the education of its armed forces on the laws and policy against the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to pay particular attention to remote outposts where such incidents are more likely to occur. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of Afghanistan (GOA) and has certified that the GOA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Guatemala Page 29: Getty/Stefanie Glinski Section 1 lists the countries identified as being in violation of the standards under the CSPA in 2020. Brunei Christine Buchholz Kari A. Johnstone In turn, this training would support our efforts to prevent recruitment of child soldiers. After four years and three promotions at work, I was told, you are too gay; if you want to continue working here, you will go back in the closet. I figured within the previous two months I had already lost my house, my family, and my college scholarshipat that point, what was my job? Guyana Other children excel, whether because school is where they feel safe or because they have been conditioned to please adults in their lives or developed resiliency and survival skills early in life. [See PDF version.]. President Tshisekedi has stated that he believes that improved security will enable health workers to counter COVID and other global health threats stem illicit mineral smuggling, other illicit trafficking of natural resources and transnational criminal organizations, catalyze regional economic integration, and provide a much-needed boost to DRCs development. It will also provide technical support and resources to improve evidence-gathering to build strong cases. Kendra L. Kreider Consulting with survivors to review existing AML protocols and systems could help to identify gaps and possible improvements. Perpetua Anaele South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. Such circumstances create unique vulnerabilities. She also learned she would not have the rent-free apartment he promised. This means that service providers can recognize signs of trauma in individuals and respond by integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, practices, and settings. The United States is expected on Monday to announce steps to tackle human trafficking and smuggling in Guatemala, a senior U.S. official said, as Vice President Kamala Harris visits the region to . 5. Former national security minister Gary Griffith has defended the efforts of the former People's Partnership administration to address human trafficking when he was a member of the cabinet, accusing the Prime Minister of a "blame game" over a 2022 US report that alleged that senior government officials are involved in human trafficking. Page 6: Picture Alliance It is undeniably essential for governments to execute effective, coordinated public health responses to prevent further loss of life and economic damage as a result of the pandemic. Montenegro has been shaken hard by the burgeoning scandal, which allegedly involved leading members of the judiciary, police and political officials. Whether the government of the country achieves appreciable progress in eliminating severe forms of trafficking when compared to the assessment in the previous year. This proposal was approved by the committee with funding. Mohammed al-Obaidly is one of the most important Qatari figures advocating for labor and human trafficking reforms in Qatar. Trafficking in persons is a crime of exploitation and coercion, and not movement. In the Parliament last week, Dr. Rowley spoke of a 2022 US Human Trafficking Report, which links particular members of the UNC with . Current military assistance to Cameroon includes IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) funding. The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GIATOC) published a policy brief in May 2020 highlighting initial trends in human trafficking during the pandemic and challenges to traditional responses. This report is submitted in accordance with section 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (22 U.S.C. Yemen. . 2020 - 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. To maintain momentum and coordination in implementation, the Secretary-General extended the mandate of the Special Coordinator on improving the UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse until 31 December 2021. Bianca Washington The WhatsApp forum allowed the nearly 350 police and prosecutor participants to share tips and resources on effective methods for trafficking investigations and prosecutions. Central African Republic Chad Comoros Page 34: Getty-Quynh Anh Nguyen/Contributor Ashley Hernandez During the three months of Spains lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, under Moras leadership, APRAMP quickly redirected its efforts toward the detection of new spaces where commercial sex was happening. Uruguay This assistance enables the U.S. government to continue to fulfill its goal of assisting the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to build effective and rights-respecting security forces, which are indispensable to achieving greater military effectiveness. Fiji The government convicted a former colonel in the FARDC and the leader of an armed group for trafficking crimes, among others; sentenced them to penalties, including significant prison terms; and ordered the leader of an armed group and two accomplices to pay restitution to over 300 victims of sexual enslavement and other crimes. Tonga Cambodia Evidence collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the report said. United Arab Emirates Create protocols for what all staff should do if they feel exploited by the organization or individuals within the organization. In November 2019, the government used official media platforms to amplify calls by Yemeni human rights activists at the UN Human Rights Council for the Houthis to end child recruitment and use, and radicalization to violence. There is no limit on the location or type of industry. The U.S. governments current security assistance goals with Nigeria are to: 1) increase the professionalism of the Nigerian armed forces, including respect for human rights and mitigating civilian harm; 2) reduce the threats violent extremist organizations pose to Nigeria and the Lake Chad region; and 3) increase security in the Gulf of Guinea. Anisha Choubey MacKenzie Bills In Burma, families experienced drastic declines in household incomes, with 94 percent of households surveyed reporting a reduction of incomes, 81 percent reporting at least one family member losing a job, and 69 percent reporting having to take loans making these families vulnerable to trafficking. These included women and children, people affected by travel restrictions and stay-at-home orders, communities in areas of food insecurity, and survivors of trafficking, as well as persons directly and indirectly affected by the disruption of economic activities and reduced livelihood options. Low-wage and migrant workers and those in the informal economy faced riskier employment conditions, including restricted movement, minimal oversight mechanisms, withheld wages, and increasing debtsall indicators or flags for human trafficking. NOTES: Local currencies have been converted to U.S. dollars ($) using the currency exchange rates reported by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on December 31, 2020. The PRC initially denied all allegations, dismissing them as international interference in its domestic affairs. Syria He is the Co-President of the Lawyers Network for Technical Intern Trainees, the President of the Lawyers Network for Foreign Workers, and a prominent legal expert in foreign labor issues. Section 5 provides a description and the amounts of assistance provided to countries pursuant to such waivers. In the first seven months of the pandemic, the International Aid Transparency Initiative noted a reduction of 17 percent in bilateral donor commitments between 2019 and 2020, which included a five percent decline in ODA. Maharaj has given credence to the Prime Minister's claim in Parliament on Friday about the involvement of Opposition members in human trafficking, as he responded to questions from Naparima MP Rodney Charles about actions taken in light of a damning 2022 US report on human trafficking, which pointed fingers at "senior government officials.". These goals are directly aligned with the National Security Strategy, Africa Strategy, Africa Bureau, and Mission Nigeria goals for security assistance. Myrna E. Walch It also allowed the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Trafficking Prosecutor and HTIs legal expert to provide mentorship and technical assistance on trafficking cases to forum participants across the country. In September 2017, the Borno State government witnessed the signature of, and provided administrative support to help implement, an action plan between the CJTF and the UN to end the CJTFs recruitment and use of children. U.S. law prohibits perpetrators from using debts as part of their scheme, plan, or pattern to compel a person to work or engage in commercial sex. Description and Amount of Assistance Withheld Pursuant to Section 404(a). Brooke Beyer In his response Dr Rowley said TT continued to actively work with the US to improve the rating, but one of the bigger issues affecting the rating was the lack of convictions under human-trafficking laws. Collaboration between the technology industry and the anti-trafficking field should also be encouraged to promote the development of technologies designed to better support anti-trafficking missions and meet the needs of victims and survivors. The coercive scheme can include threats of force, debt manipulation, withholding of pay, confiscation of identity documents, psychological coercion, reputational harm, manipulation of the use of addictive substances, threats to other people, or other forms of coercion. Collaboration, learning, and effective networking greater anonymity and impunity to pursue their.! Within the organization or individuals within the organization or individuals within the organization or individuals within organization. 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