Used with risks where food products are consumed on the premises, such as restaurants. Provides coverage for the pollution exposure accompanying the removal, replacement, repair, encapsulation or enclosure of hazardous materials. Adds a designated person or organization (a vendor) as an additional insured to a manufacturer's or distributor's policy to protect them for liability arising out of sale or distribution of the named insured's products. A: The Blanket Waiver of Subrogation endorsement (also referred to as Blanket Waiver endorsement or Endorsement 2572) is available for new and renewing policies with inception dates on or after September 1, 2013. See CG 26 46 for the appropriate Texas form. Not approved for general use in Texas. Excludes the professional liability exposure of mission, settlement, or halfway houses, or other providers of counseling for mental health, crisis prevention, social services or drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The per project endorsement is another coverage that is requested from time to time by architects and engineers clients. Adds the designated interest as an additional insured to a policy covering the named insured's property. Creates an exception to the pollution exclusion; covers escape of pollutants at an identified place and time that begins and ends within 48 hours when caused by certain named perils. Excludes all liability arising out of the products and completed operations hazards. CG 28 07 Principal's Protective Liability Coverage Part. (See CG 20 33 above to provide additional insured status only to the party with which the insured has entered into a contract or agreement.) CG 20 39 12 19 - Also known as a "Blanket Contractual Additional Insured Endorsement.". Adds the interest of the owner of equipment to a policy covering the named insured who leased the equipment. Requires the insurer to notify the insured when the insurer intends to settle a claim and after the claim is settled. Eliminates liability protection for employees of the insured, other than the executive officers of a corporation, and for volunteer workers. What is the per location endorsement? If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Minimum limits $5MM per occurrence/$10MM aggregate . Modifies the policy to provide coverage needed for airports. For use with the Liquor Liability Coverage Forms CG 00 33 and CG 00 34 only. Includes, excludes or limits coverage related to acts of terrorism, in accordance with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), as amended by the Terrorism Risk Insurance program Reauthorization Act of 2015. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. A . See endorsement CG 22 30 for a specific exclusion of corporal punishment. This means the carrier agrees to pay out an amount equal to the general aggregate liability limit on each project listed in the policy. All other states: $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. CG 27 15 Extended Reporting Period Endorsement for Employee Benefits Liability Coverage. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Per policy aggregate is an absolute limit. Blanket coverage is one of those concepts that is more easily understood with examples. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. For use with OCP coverage part, CG 00 09, this amends the bodily injury definition to include the personal injuries of false arrest, detention or imprisonment. Provides separate coverage for the products and completed operations exposures can be provided using this claims-made form. See CG 32 08 for Texas-approved form. Adds designated state government or political subdivision (county, municipality) as additional insured on policy of a named insured receiving a permit to conduct some activity, like a fair. Kayla's old fat creampie xxx girl licks man. Provides extended reporting period for Employee Benefits Liability when endorsement CG 04 35 is attached to the policy. Coverage is limited to that portion of premises occupied by named insured, and coverage is not afforded for occurrences which take place after the named insured ceases to be a tenant, or for alterations or construction performed by or on behalf of the additional insured. Not approved for general use in Texas, but could be used on a "large risk." Adds these professionals as additional insureds (excluding professional liability) when they are engaged by other than the named insured (such as the project owner). Excludes coverage for bodily injury (liability and medical payments) for passengers while on, getting into or off of trains. (Note: ISO withdrew this endorsement with the 2013 edition, as these changes were incorporated into the basic coverage form. Applies to contractors who (1) provide engineering, architectural or surveying services to others, or (2) provide or hire independent professionals in connection with the contractor's own work. CG 33 91 Texas Additional Insured - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors. Assignees and receivers are usually added to the policy upon the death or bankruptcy of the insured. Adds an architect, engineer or surveyor "engaged by you" as an additional insured, excluding their professional liability. Same as CG 24 22, except the endorsement expands the definition of coverage territory to include only the countries scheduled in the endorsement. Excludes liability arising out of the products and professional services of the named risks. There is no similar endorsement available to exclude specific operations of the insured. The contractual assumption must relate to the perils of false arrest, detention or imprisonment. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2012 but reinstated in 2013. Not approved for general use in Texas, CG 28 31 Railroad Protective Liability - Pollution Exclusion Amendment. Excludes all liability arising out of and occurring during the course of the movement of any building or structure, either by auto or "mobile equipment". If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. This is a claims-made endorsement for use with coverage part CG 00 39, Pollution Liability. Excludes bodily injury and property damage arising out of mechanically operated amusement devices and bodily injury to any person participating in or practicing for an athletic event or exhibition. Sex offenders in my area watchdog by zip. A claim paid for damages arising out of one project would not affect the aggregate at other projects of the insured. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Coverage would apply only to exposures occurring on the described premises (or the grounds and structures appurtenant to those premises), or arising from the project or operations indicated in the Schedule. CG 32 09 Texas Changes - Nonbinding Arbitration. Protection for additional insured limited to liability arising out of ongoing operations of named insured. Coverage A provides liability protection for bodily injury to independent contractors and their employees. CG 33 90 Texas Changes - Amendment of Insured Contract DefinitionAmends the definition of insured contract to preclude contractual liability coverage for the sole negligence of the indemnitee. the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (USL&H) and the Jones Act, with a minimum limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate, or as . See discussion in Common Policy Conditions in the Policy Coverages section.Mandatory endorsement when commercial property is written as a part of a commercial package policy. Covers liability exposures and expenses related to product withdrawal. Removes the contractual liability exclusion from personal injury coverage, for designated contracts. This endorsement is used when no specific endorsement applies to the activities of the insured. Various endorsements used when the policy is written on a retrospective rating basis. The Project Agreement relates to the Base Agreement we entered . Cover the liability of a parent corporation which arises from the subsidiary's operations. I have an insulation contractor who is renewing in November and needs 11 Per Project Aggregate Endorsements to be included in the renewal quote, and there are likely to be more needed throughout the term. Applies the general aggregate limit separately to each project of the insured. Action over exclusion, hammer clause. Provides coverage for liability arising out of fungi (including mold) or bacteria, including remediation, subject to sublimit. A designated construction project general aggregate limit endorsement modifies a commercial general liability (CGL) insurance policy to make the general aggregate limit apply separately to each designated construction project. Same as CG 24 17 except the coverage does not apply to the sole negligence of the indemnified railroad. Adds designated concessionaires as additional insureds for liability when trading under the insured's name. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. See CG 21 55 below. Not approved for general use in Texas, but could be used on a "large risk. See technical report Drones. Excludes liquor liability even if the insured is not in the liquor business, including Bring-Your-Own establishments. Like endorsement CG 21 06, this endorsement excludes damages arising out of access to or disclosure of confidential or personal information. Business Li- Adds a premises owner or manager as additional insured under tenant's policy. Enter your official contact and identification details. ", CG 21 51 - Amendment of Liquor Exclusion - Exception for Scheduled Activities, general use in Texas, but could be used on a "large risk.". Removes all of paragraph (1.) Heavy duty cord and thermostat for long life. IL 00 21 - Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion Endorsement (Broad Form). If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Also deletes the professional liability exclusion for an employed pharmacist in the Who Is An Insured section. Excludes the professional liability of blood banks in connection with blood donation, distribution or the acts of any doctor of medicine. See CG 26 39 for the appropriate Texas form. The limited form does not cover the cost of site cleanup. See CG 22 69 to cover products liability but not professional liability. Adds members, trustees and clergymen as additional insureds for liability arising out of church activities. Excludes any occurrences taking place after the named insured stops leasing the land, and any construction or alteration operations performed by or on behalf of the additional insured. Provides automatic additional insured status to persons or entities for which the names insured has agreed in a construction contract to provide such coverage. The project agg must be added to a CGL by endorsement. A claim paid for damages arising out of one project would not affect the aggregate at other projects of the insured. Medical payments coverage for these individuals is excluded in the basic policy. Provides pollution liability coverage on a claims-made basis, including the cost of site clean up. Excludes from a contractor's policy all work in connection with a wrap-up project where the contractor's interest is covered elsewhere (same as CG 21 54), except this exclusion doesn't apply if the consolidated insurance program has been cancelled, non-renewed or otherwise no longer applies for reasons other than the exhaustion of limits. Endorsement CG 27 15 is used to provide an extended reporting period. Amends the definition of insured contract to preclude contractual liability coverage for the sole negligence of the indemnitee. InfoCentral is your source for insurance policy analysis, answers to tough coverage questions, regulatory and management questions and sample forms and endorsements. Adds wording to the Other Insurance condition to state that the insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to an additional insured, when the named insured has agreed in writing that the insurance would be primary and noncontributory. Modifies the number of days required to provide notice of cancellation. Excludes "professional" services of various financial entities, such as banks, stock brokers, and investment counselors. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Expands the definition of coverage territory to include anywhere in the world, and provides for reimbursement of the insureds legal expenses and judgments if the insurer is prevented by law from directly defending or indemnifying in the country where a claim takes place. Claims-made version of the CGL coverage form. Excludes property damage to underground resources (oil, gas, water) and equipment (drilling equipment) in the insured's drilling operation. Project: Total design of of which the Work performed under this Agreement may be whole or part. The Who Is An Insured section of the policy is also amended to add trustees, members of boards or commissions and student teachers. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. This endorsement is used on policies insuring trust departments in financial institutions. Not approved for general use in Texas. A separate Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit applies to each designated construction project, and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. Provides additional insured status to a designated person or organization that has granted the named insured a license. Has Pen . Accidents occurring during snow plow operations are covered by the BAP. Golfmobile is defined as a motorized conveyance that is (1) designed to carry up to four persons on a golf course for the purpose of playing golf, and (2) not built or modified to exceed a speed of 25 miles per hour. Mandatory endorsement (unless CG 04 37 or CG 21 07 (below) is attached). Non-tangible services offered by professionalshair stylists, car mechanics, massage therapists, etc.are businesses in need of insurance. This endorsement should be used whenever there is a sale of products, usually components, between multiple named insureds, such as a parent and subsidiary. Coverage for an occurrence which results in 3rd party's BI and/or PD. Applies to ongoing operations only. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. This endorsement is used when the company wants to avoid the entire products and completed operations exposure, or when all premises and operations classifications on the policy include this exposure and a separate limit for this coverage is not needed. IL 09 11 through IL 09 27 - Retrospective Premium Endorsements. The general aggregate is the maximum amount of money a liability insurance policy will pay in a given policy term. Deletes the medical payments exclusion for injury to insureds. Some classifications call for attachment of this endorsement, such as racket clubs, but some companies will attach the endorsement to policies covering insureds with a higher than normal hazard in this area, such as theaters and motels. In addition, limits coverage to the extent that the insured's assumption of tort liability is permitted by law. See CG 01 56. Excludes the errors and omissions exposures of internet service providers (ISPs) and Internet Access Providers. Limited coverage can be provided with endorsements CG 24 05 and CG 24 11. Wrap blanket around, secure with hook and loop strap. This will provide for the full amount of your per occuerence limit to that project. This endorsement provides coverage per project on the aggregate limit, rather than a policy limit. OCP coverage is designed to protect project owners for liability that occurs as a result of the actions of their contractors. Blanket per project aggregate No exclusion or limitation endorsement for residential or CPVC work Carrier (s) A.M. Best Rated A+ Submission requirements Completed industry standard applications SprinklerPro supplemental application Current and four years prior loss Information Current financial statement A.1. This endorsement can be used in the same manner as the designated products exclusion CG 21 33. GL Endorsements: 1. CG 33 97 Texas Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment - Automatic Status When Required in Lease Agreement with You. Co-owners or parties to joint ventures, as well as mining partners, who have non operating working interests with the insured involving oil or gas leases may be added as additional insureds to the policies of insured operators of such leases. See CG 33 90 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. It is usually provided by the contractor performing the operations. Creates an exception to the pollution exclusion to cover the escape of a pollutant specifically listed in the endorsement schedule. Same as endorsement CG 24 50 except the exclusion applies only to Coverage B (Personal and Advertising Injury Liability). See CG 22 96 for an alternative to this absolute exclusion for lawyers. Amends Exclusion "p" in Coverage A (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) and adds an exclusion to Coverage B (Personal and Advertising Injury) to preclude coverage for liability arising out of access to or disclosure of confidential or personal information, with an exception for bodily injury damages. 07 Principal 's Protective liability - pollution exclusion to cover the liability of blood banks in with. Cg 00 34 only designated person or organization that has granted the named insured a license therapists, etc.are in! Projects of the products and professional services of various financial entities, such as banks, brokers. To protect project owners for liability arising out of the actions of contractors! Project endorsement is used when no specific endorsement applies to the additional insured status to persons or entities for the... Including Bring-Your-Own establishments rating basis, members of boards or commissions and student teachers limits! 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