Zenan and Hadashah and Migdal-gad, and Dilean and Mizpeh and Joktheel, Lachish and Bozkath and Eglon, and Cabbon and Lahmas and Chitlish, and Gederoth, Beth-dagon and Naamah and Makkedah; sixteen cities with their villages. We all have to learn to wisely, calmly but firmly say no to unwanted or inappropriate demands or behavior, whether the person is enroaching intentionally or unintentionally. Their territory was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the sons of Ammon, as far as Aroer which is before Rabbah; and from Heshbon as far as Ramath-mizpeh and Betonim, and from Mahanaim as far as the border of Debir; and in the valley, Beth-haram and Beth-nimrah and Succoth and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, with the Jordan as a border, as far as the lower end of the Sea of Chinnereth beyond the Jordan to the east. and Remeth and En-gannim and En-haddah and Beth-pazzez. The sixth lot fell to the sons of Naphtali; to the sons of Naphtali according to their families. Their south border was from the lower end of the Salt Sea, from the bay that turns to the south. The border shall turn direction from Azmon to the brook of Egypt, and its termination shall be at the sea. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Naphtali according to their families, the cities with their villages. Specific Bible Verse about Boundaries ~ Don't outwear your welcome Proverbs 25:17, MSG And when you find a friend, don't outwear your welcome; show up at all hours and he'll soon get fed up. The Bible preaches that our relationship with other believers and that of the world should be carefully lived and with intentional boundaries put in place. and Humtah and Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), and Zior; nine cities with their villages. 1 1 John 4:20 "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. Then the lot for the sons of Joseph went from the Jordan at Jericho to the waters of Jericho on the east into the wilderness, going up from Jericho through the hill country to Bethel. This was the inheritance of the sons of Zebulun according to their families, these cities with their villages. Do everything in love. In Issachar and in Asher, Manasseh had Beth-shean and its towns and Ibleam and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of En-dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, the third is Napheth. and Nibshan and the City of Salt and Engedi; six cities with their villages. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. When we have this boundary in the mind through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will reap life and peace by God's grace. The princes of Judah have become like those who move a boundary; On them I will pour out My wrath like water. So they had as their inheritance Beersheba or Sheba and Moladah, and Hazar-shual and Balah and Ezem,read more.and Eltolad and Bethul and Hormah, and Ziklag and Beth-marcaboth and Hazar-susah, and Beth-lebaoth and Sharuhen; thirteen cities with their villages; Ain, Rimmon and Ether and Ashan; four cities with their villages; and all the villages which were around these cities as far as Baalath-beer, Ramah of the Negev. Moses also gave an inheritance to the tribe of Gad, to the sons of Gad, according to their families. The border reached to Tabor and Shahazumah and Beth-shemesh, and their border ended at the Jordan; sixteen cities with their villages. 1 Corinthians 13:4 7, ESV Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. Bible Rank: 5,553. John 6:49. . Now this was the lot for the tribe of Manasseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph. Now the cities at the extremity of the tribe of the sons of Judah toward the border of Edom in the south were Kabzeel and Eder and Jagur. The west side shall be the Great Sea, from the south border to a point opposite Lebo-hamath. The border extended from there and turned round on the west side southward, from the hill which lies before Beth-horon southward; and it ended at Kiriath-baal (that is, Kiriath-jearim), a city of the sons of Judah. Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church, consecrated to Christ, and wholly influenced and governed by his rules. This is the west side. Here, verses specifically about family. Then the border went westward at Michmethath on the north, and the border turned about eastward to Taanath-shiloh and continued beyond it to the east of Janoah. to the south, all the land of the Canaanite, and Mearah that belongs to the Sidonians, as far as Aphek, to the border of the Amorite; and the land of the Gebalite, and all of Lebanon, toward the east, from Baal-gad below Mount Hermon as far as Lebo-hamath. This is the west side. Then they struck it with the edge of the sword and possessed it and settled in it; and they called Leshem Dan after the name of Dan their father. Join in on some of t. and Ziklag and Beth-marcaboth and Hazar-susah. I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out before you. The border proceeded to the side of Ekron northward. Search Inspirational, Motivational, Uplifting & Encouraging Bible Verses, Scriptures, Quotes, Passages, Devotionals, Stories & Sayings: Getting to know God Want To Help? 25 Valentine's Day Conversation Starters for Your Family; 3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids About Love Your southern sector shall extend from the wilderness of Zin along the side of Edom, and your southern border shall extend from the end of the Salt Sea eastward. Copyright JollyNotes.com - All Rights Reserved. Ekron, with its towns and its villages; from Ekron even to the sea, all that were by the side of Ashdod, with their villages. Now as for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the sons of Judah could not drive them out; so the Jebusites live with the sons of Judah at Jerusalem until this day. You shall not move your neighbors boundary mark, which the ancestors have set, in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the Lord your God gives you to possess. They will shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword, He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters. Then the border went up to Beth-hoglah, and continued on the north of Beth-arabah, and the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben. ; having determined their appointed seasons for and hath determined the times before appointed, A.V.From the unity of God Paul deduces the unity of the human race, all created by God, all sprung from one ancestor, or one blood (whichever reading we take), and so not to have their . Proverbs 13:24 NIV. And beside the border of Judah, from the east side to the west side, shall be the allotment which you shall set apart, 25,000 cubits in width, and in length like one of the portions, from the east side to the west side; and the sanctuary shall be in the middle of it. Bible Verses About Family. 10 They are more precious than gold, than . Respect and honor your parents, and you will receive the blessing of a long, graced life. You are my friends if you do what I command you. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Then the sons of Joseph spoke to Joshua, saying, Why have you given me only one lot and one portion for an inheritance, since I am a numerous people whom the, Joshua said to them, If you are a numerous people, go up to the forest and clear a place for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the Rephaim, since the hill country of Ephraim is too narrow for you., The sons of Joseph said, The hill country is not enough for us, and all the Canaanites who live in the valley land have chariots of iron, both those who are in Beth-shean and its towns and those who are in the valley of Jezreel.. And the border shall go down to the Jordan and its termination shall be at the Salt Sea. And this shall be your north border: you shall draw your border line from the Great Sea to Mount Hor. Their territory was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the sons of Ammon, as far as Aroer which is before Rabbah; and from Heshbon as far as Ramath-mizpeh and Betonim, and from Mahanaim as far as the border of Debir; and in the valley, Beth-haram and Beth-nimrah and Succoth and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, with the Jordan as a border, as far as the lower end of the Sea of Chinnereth beyond the Jordan to the east. Now as for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the sons of Judah could not drive them out; so the Jebusites live with the sons of Judah at Jerusalem until this day. and Jehud and Bene-berak and Gath-rimmon. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim according to their families. The border of the Amorites ran from the ascent of Akrabbim, from Sela and upward. The fourth lot fell to Issachar, to the sons of Issachar according to their families. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. and Zanoah and En-gannim, Tappuah and Enam. Examples: Jesus' boundary setting: Mark 3:31-35 Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. This shall be your land according to its borders all around.. You set a boundary that they may not pass over,So that they will not return to cover the earth. It extended northward and went to En-shemesh and went to Geliloth, which is opposite the ascent of Adummim, and it went down to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Then their border went up to the west and to Maralah, it then touched Dabbesheth and reached to the brook that is before Jokneam. Your southern sector shall extend from the wilderness of Zin along the side of Edom, and your southern border shall extend from the end of the Salt Sea eastward.read more.Then your border shall turn direction from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim and continue to Zin, and its termination shall be to the south of Kadesh-barnea; and it shall reach Hazaraddar and continue to Azmon. Ephesians 5:28 Specific Bible Verse about Boundaries ~ Dont outwear your welcome Command the sons of Israel and say to them, When you enter the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to its borders. Family discipleship at home should lead to an overflow of the good news to people outside th e home at work, school, play, community, and around the world. Their border on the north side was from the Jordan, then the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward, and it ended at the wilderness of Beth-aven. Do not move the ancient boundaryOr go into the fields of the fatherless, Cursed is he who moves his neighbors boundary mark. And all the people shall say, Amen.. This was the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin, according to their families and according to its borders all around. This is the north side.read more.The east side, from between Hauran, Damascus, Gilead and the land of Israel, shall be the Jordan; from the north border to the eastern sea you shall measure. Much Love & Blessings, Verse 26. Their territory was to Jezreel and included Chesulloth and Shunem, and Hapharaim and Shion and Anaharath, and Rabbith and Kishion and Ebez, and Remeth and En-gannim and En-haddah and Beth-pazzez. Jair the son of Manasseh took all the region of Argob as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and called it, that is, Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth-jair, as it is to this day. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. )read more.To Machir I gave Gilead. Now he gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh a portion among the sons of Judah, according to the command of the. One of my favorite Bible verses about family is, " Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Be devoted to one another in love. It DOESN'T mean you're a bad daughter or sister or grandmother. 9. Kiriath-baal (that is, Kiriath-jearim), and Rabbah; two cities with their villages. You have increased the nation, O Lord,You have increased the nation, You are glorified;You have extended all the borders of the land. The boundary shall extend from the sea to Hazar-enan at the border of Damascus, and on the north toward the north is the border of Hamath. For he says: "By the strength of my hand I have done this, and by my wisdom, because I have understanding. Maon, Carmel and Ziph and Juttah, and Jezreel and Jokdeam and Zanoah, Kain, Gibeah and Timnah; ten cities with their villages. Romans 12:10. And this shall be your north border: you shall draw your border line from the Great Sea to Mount Hor. Search for: Categories. Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Their border was from Heleph, from the oak in Zaanannim and Adami-nekeb and Jabneel, as far as Lakkum, and it ended at the Jordan. The south side belonged to Ephraim and the north side to Manasseh, and the sea was their border; and they reached to Asher on the north and to Issachar on the east. Beside the border of Manasseh, from the east side to the west side, Ephraim, one portion. Now Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the River to the land of the Philistines and to the border of Egypt; they brought tribute and served Solomon all the days of his life. And the land of Gilead belonged to the rest of the sons of Manasseh. and Me-jarkon and Rakkon, with the territory over against Joppa. Please read Inspiring Bible Verses about Boundaries below, and be blessed. and Goshen and Holon and Giloh; eleven cities with their villages. ( Romans 12:2, Colossians 3:1-2, Romans 13:14 NIV) The Bible Says We Should Have Personal Boundaries in Regards to Our Morality As Christians, this is probably the most obvious boundary we expect to see in Scripture. The fortified cities were Ziddim, Zer and Hammath, Rakkath and Chinnereth. Now the lot for the tribe of the sons of Judah according to their families reached the border of Edom, southward to the wilderness of Zin at the extreme south. Related: Bible Verses about Letting go of a Relationship, Letting go of Bad Relationships, Personal Boundaries in Relationships ~ Healthy Boundaries are GREAT for relationships! The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The border reached to Tabor and Shahazumah and Beth-shemesh, and their border ended at the Jordan; sixteen cities with their villages. They clearly tell us that God's judgment for sexual sin applies to all nations, not just the covenant nation of Israel. From there the border continued to Luz, to the side of Luz (that is, Bethel) southward; and the border went down to Ataroth-addar, near the hill which lies on the south of lower Beth-horon. Kiriath-Arba ( that is, Kiriath-jearim ), and their border ended at the Sea ; six with! Fragrant offering and sacrifice to God the sons of Ephraim according to families. Of Salt and Engedi ; six cities with their villages side, Ephraim, portion... 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